Dear Fellow Cyclists, Here are notes from our campaign meeting on 8 June. ROMFORD MARK-IT The June 6th event had a "record turn-out" of cycles being marked and cycling maps and guides being distributed. EASTBROOKEND COUNTRY FAIR The event with an information stand (making full use of the cargo bike) went very well and as well as handing out a large number of maps and guides, we also collected four sheets of S4C signatures helping comfortably above our target of 200. HAVERING BIKE-IT RIDE The childrens' ride planned for 24th June is uncertain as we have had no contact from the organisers. [We have since learned that it has been cancelled due to lack of firm commitments from the schools taking part]. NCN ANNIVERSARY RIDE The 20th anniversary ride for the NCN is planned for Sunday 19th July. The ride is all arranged and advertising is underway. Any extra helpers on the day will be welcome. BYGONE BARKING BY BIKE Learn more about Barking's interesting and often overlooked history on this highly recommended ride which is to take place on the evening of 18th June [Sadly too early for these notes]. Organised by Colin from B&D LCC. CYCLE OFFICER POST We await further news on whether the selected candidate has passed the neccessary checks and been engaged. SPACE FOR CYCLING With our signatures target reached, we discussed how best to present our petition. We are planning to invite the Council Leader Roger Ramsey to a meeting to hand over the petition, to explain our objectives and explore how we might work with the council to meet our shared goals. We will seek advice on how to do this. MATTERS ARISING At the last CLG we were told that Bridge Avenue (on Route 136) was to be the subject of checks with a speed gun by police in an attempt to clamp down on speeding rat-runners. Terry reported no evidence of this and will check what has happened. HAVERING CYCLISTS AGM We need to decide on a date for our AGM where members will have the chance to nominate/elect officers. Any views? Date Of Next Meeting is planned for MONDAY 13 July at JJ Moons PH in High Street Hornchurch. (Just look out for the table showing the red Space For Cycling flag). As always, see the web site at for the latest news. Please feel free to add or correct my notes as appropriate. Regards Terry