Many Havering residents are locked into car dependency which leads to:
- Chronic traffic congestion
- Pollution
- Reliance on fossil fuels
- Major contributions to climate change
- Inactive lifestyles which impact public health
- Exclusion for the elderly, disabled and the poorest
- Encouraging use of out-of-town shopping
Turning instead to Active Travel means:
- Reduced air pollution
- Reduced traffic congestion
- Building exercise into peoples’ daily routines
- Being inclusive to all ages and incomes
- Making improvements in public health
- Encouraging use of local shops and facilities
For all the reasons given above both National and Regional governments positively encourage (and finance) active travel initiatives.
BUT the delivery of these measures are under local government control so Havering Council needs to act to make this happen!
So what is stopping people getting out of their cars?
- Roads seen by residents as unsafe to cycle
- Lack of information and signage for existing facilities
People tell us again and again that they would love to cycle in Havering if only they felt safe in doing so.
In preparation for the 2022 local elections, Havering Cyclists formulated Five Asks that we believed would do the most to promote Active Travel, Climate Safe Streets and help Havering break our cycle of car-dependency and traffic congestion. (Click the links below for more details)
1 Ensure there are no further cyclist deaths at Marsh Way
3 Improve five of the most dangerous junctions
5 Provide secure and inclusive cycle parking
If this were to happen, what would Active Travel do for Havering?
- More travel choices for residents
- Improvements to residents’ physical and mental health
- Shopping centres would be less stressful and polluted to visit and footfall would increase
- More space on the roads for essential vehicles
If you agree with us that we need to do more to promote Active Travel and Climate Safe Streets, please let your local ward councillors know.
You can sign up for updates from our campaign and find out about joining us by clicking HERE.