Havering Cyclists News

With the autumn chills nipping at our extremities, I hope you’ve still been able to get out on your bike in the fresh air riding for work, shopping or for some exercise but meanwhile, Havering Cyclists have still been campaigning and raising local cycling issues. Please read on for details.
Our now annual ride with Havering XR to call upon Havering Council for better cycling facilities took place on 28th August and we brought along several councillors on the ride two of whom, Cllr Keith Darvill and Cllr Gillian Ford, took part in a Q&A session which was live-streamed by The Havering Daily.
The coalition formed from the local groups of Friends of the Earth, XR and the Quakers has made some progress in working with the new council administration. The Green Forum has had its inaugural meeting and the proposed “Green Hub” website intended as a signpost for borough residents on Green issues has now been set up HERE.
We have still been following up on our list of outstanding cycle safety issues with Havering council and have now resorted to raising formal complaints about three of the issues – The missing speed humps in Marshalls Drive, the faulty ramp at Rainham Marshes and the wrongly installed rumble strips. We have had assurances that they will be progressed and await further news.
We had made this road our top priority for improvement in our local election campaigning and so when we saw repeated local media reports of vehicle collisions here, we took the opportunity to make strong representations of our own and took this up with the council’s new leader Cllr Ray Morgon. He has agreed that improvements to Marsh Way will be added to our next transport planning budget but progress on it will be dependent on the proposed improvements to the adjoining route through Beam Parkway.
As part of the Highways England project to upgrade the M25 at J28 a new cycle route will be created connecting NCN136 at Harold Wood up to the A12, across the M25 and up Brook Street as far as Kavanaghs Road in Brentwood. The cycle route will be delivered alongside the works for motor traffic with a target completion date of February 2025.
As an experiment we have tried reducing our formal meetings to bi-monthly to interleave with activity-based meetings. So far, we have carried out inspection rides to Marsh Way and on the Havering section of LCN12. Please let us know if you have further ideas for activities.
Remember that you can sign up for news updates from our blog at https://www.haveringcyclists.org/blog/ by completing the subscription box in the right-hand panel.  Please also get in touch to let us know you views on any of the above.  You can contact us through our website www.haveringcyclists.org, through Facebook (Havering cyclists)  or Twitter (@HaveringCyclist)

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