Local Elections 2022 Update:

So the local election is this Thursday and it is a really important moment in setting the direction as the years wind down on our carbon emission goals.

We formulated five “asks” that we thought would do the most to encourage safe cycling in the borough and put these to the leaders of the parties. Our supporters also emailed them to reinforce the message.

To read about our asks go HERE.

Keith Darvill for the Labour Party committed to our asks saying:
“We want to establish safe cycling routes across Havering. These need to be segregated from main roads where practical and inclusive of quiet routes to local schools. We will cease to be the worst borough in London to give access to this environmentally friendly mode of transport.”

Melanie Collins for the Green Party also signed up to our asks saying:
“We have to reduce road transport emissions. HGVs, lorries, vans and buses may not meet their licensed emissions standards; legislation is in place, but not always enforced. We need to encourage more walking and cycling and measures to help motorists drive less. Greens think globally and act locally. Small actions taken by a large number of people all add up.”

Ray Morgon for The Residents Association did not subscribe but did give a commitment to “look at all aspects of climate change, including ways of reducing our carbon emissions which would include cycling etc.”

Damian White did not respond at all for the Conservatives but separately, we did see a Facebook post declaring: “Havering Conservatives pledge to build a new network of cycle lanes to support people out of their cars and on to their bikes. We will do so in a way that works for all road users, including those that need to drive.”

Havering Cyclists would not presume to offer voting advice but residents might want to bear these points in mind.

Thanks to Dave Walker and Cycling UK for the use of the image.

3 thoughts on “Local Elections 2022 Update:”

  1. I have provided a response to one of your members, which I hope will be shared with you.

  2. I’ve been leisure cycling in Havering for at least 25 years, gradually finding different safe routes, preferably trying to avoid busy roads and where possible not using roads. I love it and now have regular routes which I share with friends with a coffee and hot cross buns. I was pleased to see the start up of “Havering cyclists ” but am now disappointed to see how “political ” it has become.

    1. Hi Eddie,
      Thanks for getting in touch.
      There are two threads to our role.
      One is to help and encourage people getting into cycling with information stands and by doing Doctor Bike events and rides but we realise that to make the roads safer for cyclists we do also have to make representations with the local council as they are the ones who control what gets done.
      To be honest, we would much rather be out riding our bikes but sadly, nobody else is going to stand up for local cyclists’ interests with those in power.
      Keep safe and regards

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